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Egyptian Vocab



  1. Amarna Style - Revolutionary style of Egyptian art created by Amenhotep IV, who took the nameAkhenaton during his reign (1353–36 bce) in the 18th dynasty.revolutionary style of Egyptian art created by Amenhotep IV, who took the nameAkhenaton during his reign (1353–36 bce) in the 18th dynasty.

  2. Mastaba - An ancient Egyptian tomb rectangular in shape with sloping sides and a flat roof, standing to a height of 17–20 feet (5–6 m), consisting of an underground burial chamber with rooms above it (at ground level) in which to store offerings.

  3. Engaged Column - A column embedded in a wall and partly projecting from the surface of the wall, sometimes defined as semi or three-quarter detached.

  4. Necropolis - A cemetery, especially a large one belonging to an ancient city.

  5. Hierarchy Of Scale - It is the manipulation of size and space in a picture to emphasize importance of a specific object.

  6. Papyrus - A material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world for writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats.

  7. Hieroglyphics - Enigmatic or incomprehensible symbols or writing.

  8. Pharaoh - A ruler of Egypt

  9. Hypostyle - (of a building) having a roof supported by pillars, typically in several rows.

  10. Pylon - An upright structure that is used for support or for navigational guidance, in particular.

  11. In Situ - In its original place.

  12. Reserve Column - A column that is cut away from rock but has no support function.

  13. Ka - The soul or spiritual essence of a human being that either ascends to heaven or can live in an Egyptian status of itself.

  14. Sarcophagus - A stone coffin

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